Most men want a beard, without any patched between, so that they can style it as they like. Unfortunately, not many are blessed with great facial hair, but you can get tips on how to grow beard faster, that too naturally.
Wondering how to grow beard naturally at home faster and thicker naturally at home with a beard grooming kit?
Let’s discuss some tips for how to grow beard faster in 7 days –
Exfoliate your skin
This is a great way to grow a thick beard naturally. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells and dirt from the pores promoting new facial hair growth. It refreshes and rejuvenates the skin.
Make sure to find a face scrub, especially for men, as men tend to have harder skin than women. Choosing an exfoliating mask will be a better choice.

Keep your skin clean and moisturized
Are you struggling with a slow-growing patch beard and wondering how to grow beard patches? For that, you have to keep your skin clean and moisturized.
Wash your face regularly
Clean and clear skin stimulates new hair growth. Be sure to wash your face twice a day and especially before going to bed. Use a mild face wash instead of a harsh cleanser to avoid drying the skin, leading to irritation. It may even cause breakouts.
Moisturize your face after every wash to replenish your skin with nutrients
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Do not trim
If you are pondering upon how to grow good beard naturally, thendo not trim your beard. Instead, be patient and give your beard some time to grow. Generally, beard hair grows half an inch per month. So give your bead at least two months to grow.
The best way to grow a beard naturally is to pay attention to your diet. Like any other body part, your beard needs nourishment too.

Just like the hair on the head, the basic components of facial hair are also protein and fats. Take enough proteins to grow a beard faster naturally. Make sure to include protein-rich sources in your daily meals like fish, eggs, nuts, etc. One cup of protein a day will be helpful.
Fruits and Vegetables
Just like proteins and fats, various vitamins and minerals are necessary to grow a beard naturally at home. Iron, Zinc, and Vitamins such as A, D, E, C, and B complex are essential for growing a thick and healthy beard. Fruits, especially citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables, are abundant in these minerals. Include a helping of fruits and vegetables in your daily food intake without fail.
Lifestyle Changes
Your lifestyle affects your body as well.
The perfect answer to how to grow beard naturally is by making changes in your lifestyle. Also give a try to different beard styles for old men.
Exercise and reducing stress
If you are desperate for growing a thick beard, quickly consider adding physical exercise and look out for tougher workout routines. Regular exercise increases a man’s testosterone levels, and testosterone which is is answer of how to grow beard on cheeks.
Chemicals released by the brain during a workout are converted to testosterone by the body. The testosterone is further converted to DHT, a hormone responsible for faster hair growth.
Many supplements marketed claiming to increase beard growth have synthetic DHT while workout produces the original hormone.
Exercise also leads to better blood circulation. Poor circulation leads to a slow-growing beard appearing dull and lackluster.
Conversely, improved circulation of blood stimulates hair follicles and helps beard hair to grow thicker and healthier for beard styles for men.
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Extreme stress levels reduce testosterone levels in your body which can even cause hair to fall out. Physical exercise can reduce Cortisol levels and thus help in stress management.
Best exercises for beard growth are
Weight training
Weight training is an excellent form of exercise to increase testosterone levels. In addition, the whole process of training to rebuild muscle tissue boosts testosterone production.
Aerobic exercise
The body produces testosterone in good quantities while doing aerobic exercises. Make sure to keep your heartbeat elated for at least twenty minutes. Drink plenty of water afterward to keep yourself hydrated, as dehydration can slow down hair growth and make them dry and brittle.
It increases testosterone levels i.e., running in short sprints is more effective than jogging.
Meditation is helpful in stress management and thus promotes the healthy growth of the beard.
Beard hair grows faster when you are asleep. This is because when you are fast asleep, your body relaxes, and stress levels and emotional pressures are lowered, which results in better facial hair growth.
Avoid smoking and lower alcohol consumption for better beard growth.
Taking care of your beard with beard essentials
Growing a beard is just half the work done. You need to take care of it to beard maintenance it. An unkempt beard can spoil your whole appearance
Beard and scruff cream
A beard and scruff cream reduces itch and irritation of early beard growth. In addition, it moisturizes the beard and the skin beneath to prevent dryness and discomfort. You can use a beard cream for styling a long beard.

Beard oil
Beard oil is a type of beard conditioner which moisturizes and softens beard hair and the skin beneath. People use oil for growing beard faster to tame a thick beard and also to make a thin beard appear fuller. Beard oil also promotes beard growth.
Beard Balm
A beard balm keeps the hair healthier and, due to its thick texture, helps to control unruly beard hair. A beard balm prevents dandruff and itchiness by moisturizing the skin beneath a beard.
Have a clear beard goal and beard role model to help keep yourself patient and encouraged but do not obsessively compare your beard with someone else.
Instead, highlight your strong beard points while styling it. So, use beard care products, follow these tips on beard grooming about how to grow beard fast naturally.